Power Control Station (PCS)

Power Control Station (PCS)

PC-based management software for Megatiker and Megabreak power breakers

BTicino Power Control Station (PCS) is a product software developed to connect power breakers (and more) to a PC through the USB port. It provides the following functions, useful for BTicino Technical Support Service, panel builders, installers and end customers:

  • Check of ETU (Electronic Trip Unit) operation, fault history and adjustments;
  • Update of the product firmware;
  • Basic diagnostics on ETU (release tests, measurements, control... );
  • Generation of reports based on data stored in the control unit.


Thanks to user profiling, it is possible to discriminate products and functions enabled for customers, rather than those for internal BTicino use.




Hardware Requirements

  • Personal Computer with Pentium III processor;
  • Minimum required RAM memory 1GB, recommended 2GB;
  • Resolution 1024 x 768;
  • 32-bit colours;
  • Mouse. 


Software Requirements

  • Windows 7 or higher;
  • Microsoft.NET 4.0 or later.


Device requirements

For devices that support the monitoring function (listed below), check the technical version (note 1*) or the firmware of the device:

  • MEGABREAK MP4 2500-4000-6300 (Display firmware 2.5.5X)
  • MEGABREAK MP6 2500-4000-6300 (Display firmware 3.2.X)
  • MEGATIKER M1 earth-leakage thermal magnetic (rev. 5* mid 2016)
  • MEGATIKER M1 only earth fault  (rev. 5* mid 2016)
  • MEGATIKER M2 earth-leakage thermal magnetic (rev. 5* mid 2016)
  • MEGATIKER M2 only earth fault  (rev. 5* mid 2016)
  • MEGATIKER M2 electronic (rev. 4)
  • MEGATIKER M2 electronic with earth-leakage protection (rev. 4)
  • MEGATIKER M4 electronic (rev. 1)
  • MEGATIKER M5 electronic (rev. 2)

*note 1: the technical version is the 6th digit of the traceability code on the product label.


Power Control Station
PCS software