Cover plates Configurators

Living Now cover plate configurator
Living Now cover plate configurator

Select the best Living Now finish for your home, combining the shapes and colours of the cover plates with the colours of the controls.

You can take a photo of the wall and see the result of your choices.

Light Now configurator
Light Now cover plate configurator

Select the best Light Now finish for your home, combining the shapes and colours of the cover plates with the colours of the controls.
You can take a photo of the wall and see the result of your choices.

Livinglight cover plate configurator
LivingLight cover plate configurator

Select the best LivingLight finish for your home, combining the shapes and colours of the cover plates with the colours of the controls. You can take a photo of the wall and the result of your choices.

Classia cover plate configurator
Classia cover plate configurator

Select the best Classia finish for your home, combining the shapes and colours of the cover plates with the colours of the controls. You can take a photo of the wall and see the result of your choices.

Axolute cover plate configurator
Axolute cover plate configurator

Select the best Axolute finish for your home, combining the shapes and colours of the cover plates with the colours of the controls. You can take a photo of the wall and see the result of your choices.

Linea 5000 finishing frame customization tool
Linea 5000 finishing frame customization tool

Learn how to personalize Linea 5000 by adding a custom touch with text, monochrome designs, or customized images and logos.